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Soll es das gewesen sein?
An end is always a beginning - reflections on being back
I have been asked many times how India has changed me. And I asked myself this question several times, and now after being back for almost two months I think it is time to close my reintegration process ;-)
But not without letting you know:I have experienced that India changed me; I'm still the old person I'm used to be, with his good and bad things in his character for sure. But I do see myself different. Living in a different environment and adapting to another culture and value system makes you think about the strange things happen to you, but after all about yourself. Finally I believe that I’m more patient and see many things from another angle.
When I came back it was still winter in Germany, and my feeling was that not only the cold outside was chasing me. My impression was that people here are colder and keep the distance. I felt alone although I had a lot of friends and people around me who loved and liked me. A lot of people were really interested in what I had experienced and wanted to know how India was. But actually you can tell and describe your time, but I do believe that you have to be there to feel the real India.Right now I’m feeling pretty much happy. I’m back to my country to my people, family and friends and new projects are coming up. More news from me soon.
Labels: India
It didn’t take me more than 3 weeks to write this post, but to finish it. I originally planned to publish it still in
I definitely had a great experience, met interesting people and made friends with them. I saw marvelous and gorgeous landscapes, stunning and astonishing places. I had 6 months with extremes: disappointments, fear and anger, and on the other side a lot of moments where I was attached and very happy. I adopted many habits like shaking the head. Some guys told me that I’m already like an Indian, beside the fact that I’m white and don’t speak Hindi. But I certainly and seriously adopted many habits and got used to many things I actually like, you would consider rude or simply inappropriate in the western culture e.g. raising your voice without any reason or pushing people into/in the train.
When I came here I didn’t like
But now the time for me has come to leave this amazing country and Incredible India. Thank you to all the people I have met and the joy you brought to me to be my friends.
Labels: India
Slums of Bandra
Eben lief auf MDR Sputnik ein Beitrag über Mumbai und eine Slum Tour, die westliche Touristen durch den größten Slum Asiens – Daravi - lotsen. Dort leben und arbeiten ca. 1 Mio Menschen unter ärmlichen Verhältnissen. [for English version click here]
Ich war heute ebenfalls im Slum, allerdings nicht als eine geführte Tour sondern quasi auf guter Mission. Es gibt in Mumbai viele Trainees die ihr Praktikum bei so genannten NGOs absolvieren.
(NGO = Non Governmental Organization, zu dt. wohltätige Organisationen) Mary Ellen arbeitet in einer NGO die sich mit der Entwicklung von Kindern in Slums beschäftigt. Wir sind zusammen nach Bandra East und haben in der Vorschule im Slum Spielsachen und andere Dinge verteilt.
Was mich immer wieder verwundert ist der Blick des Touristen, viele Menschen kommen nach Indien und sind überwältigt von den vielfältigen Eindrücken auch zu meist von der Armut. Manch einer mag die Nase rümpfen, dass reiche Touristen durch den Slum geführt werden. Aber es ist Teil der indischen Realität. Indien das einen ungeheuren wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung feiert, lässt viele Menschen zurück. Und viele Farmer und Bauern kommen nach Mumbai auf ihrer Suche nach dem Glück und Anteil am Aufschwung.
[Für Fotos hier klicken]
North India
Heading towards Agra and the famous Taj Mahal. Read the full article
Renata and Andre left me in Delhi and I went further to Amritsar (the capital of the Sikh) and to the border closing ceremony at Attari between India and Pakistan.
for an overview of all galleries click here
Sikhs, Spitzen und Spiritualität
In Delhi haben mich Renata und Andre verlassen, und ich habe meine Reise dann alleine in der luxuriösen 2. Klasse im Nachtzug nach Amritsar fortgesetzt. Amritsar liegt nahe der pakistanischen Grenze und ist die heilige Stadt der Sikh Religion. Wesentliche Merkmale der Sikh-Religion sind die Betonung der Einheit der Schöpfung, die Abkehr von „Aberglauben“, traditionellen religiösen Riten und sozialer Hierarchisierung. Es existieren jedoch verschiedene formale Vorgaben z.B. bezüglich Kleidung, Namensgebung und Auftreten. So zum Beispiel das Nichtschneiden der Haare und des Bartes, daher auch der Turban.
Die Sikhs glauben an geistige und seelische Reinheit, die sie unter anderem zu erreichen suchen, indem sie sämtliche als schädlich geltende Einflüsse von außen vermeiden. Sie ernähren sich vegan, vermeiden sämtliche Suchtmittel und führen ein Leben im Einklang mit der Natur.


Danach ging es in den westlichen Himalaja. Für die rund 250km von Amritsar nach Mc Leod Ganj habe ich mir eine, wie ich finde idyllische Route ausgesucht. Ich habe mich für die Schmalspurbahn entschieden, statt den so genannten Express Bus zu nehmen, der für diese Strecke 8h braucht, denn der Begriff Express Bus meint hier lediglich, dass der Fahrer rasanter über Stock und Stein rast und nicht in jedem Dorf anhält. Schneller am Ziel ist man dadurch trotzdem nicht - in Indien ist halt alles relativ.
In Mc Leod, ein Vorort von Daramshala, bin ich auf 2900m gekraxelt um mir die Himalaja Kulisse in voller Wirkung anzusehen. Auch ein kurzer Schneeschauer und die Angst nicht rechtzeitig vor der Dunkelheit zurück zu kehren (hellerweise habe ich an diesem Tag ausgepennt und bin erst nach dem Mittag los gelaufen) konnte die majestätische Wirkung nicht mindern. Die Fotos dazu hier

Daramshala ist auch Sitz des Dalai Lamas und der tibetanischen Exilregierung in Indien. Dementsprechend sind auch viele Buddhisten und Mönchen am Start. Und genauso viele Seelenheil suchende Touristen die sich mehr oder minder weniger obskuren Weltverbesserern hingeben.
It's the small things in your life which make you happy
Taj Mahal
Die Ausstrahlung dieses Bauwerks wird auch nicht durch die vielen Touristen geschmälert. Mit den Worten von Paul Cohelo ist die grösste Kraft des Universums - die Liebe - Ursprung dieses Baus. Die Faszination für muslimische Bauten des Mittelalters hat mich, seit dem ich die Alhambra in Granada zum ersten Mal gesehen habe, begeistert. ein paar Eindrücke im Video:
After 14hours Train in sleeper class (for those of you who never been to India: Indian trains have mostly 3 classes: second, third and sleeper class, whereas sleeper is the cheapest an 8 people (and sometimes some animals) share one compartment) So while experiencing the real India we got to Jaiselmer, which is a small city in the west of Rajasthan, close to Pakistan. The guys in Jaiour recommended us Baboo the camel man and his resort in the desert. After some Chai, we were heading some 30km out of town in mostly the middle of nowhere. After again some Chai we took our camels and rode through the dunes into the sunset. Sitting with Baboo at a small campfire and having some Kingfishers we decided to sleep in the desert. I had the chance to drive his jeep, even by night with some beers.
Check the Jaiselmer gallery for pictures
Das Ende ist nah, noch drei Wochen in Indien
Diesmal wieder eine Videobotschaft von mir. For English version click here
Labels: India
Golf, Delhi and Injuries
are not familiar with golf, the JWC is one of the biggest golf tournaments in
As the event guy in our department I was in charge to get some senior folks together with the world elite golf player. Done as said. The venue was fixed, we finally got some costumers who where willing to spend a Monday morning at the golf course and I flew to Delhi with 80kg of luggage, mainly corporate gifts such as towels, gloves etc.
Saturday afternoon I was sitting at the Delhi Golf Club, having a coffee and discussing the last details when the manager of Thomas calls up. The bad news is that Thomas is injured in
So I had some time and a car+driver for sightseeing in
Labels: India
English speaking Rikshaw Wallah एग्लिश स्पेअकिंग रिक्षव वल्लाह
Today I was riding with a English speaking rickshaw wallah, which never happened to me before. He was actually a student and drive rickshaw for earning some pocket money. Interesting was, that he told me he makes round 300-400 Rs each day. (6-8€) Which is a monthly salary of 10,000 (200€). I should start the same here to earn some money ;-)
Labels: India
Singapore is much developed, clean, pretty well organized. It should be from an urban point of view the Benchmark of Asia. The port of Singapore is a major point in its economical success, as it is strategically situated in Asia. The port and the recently the airport, which attracts freight and passengers, is the prime government instrument to help Singapore become an international player.
Furthermore there are no tensions between the inhabitants or social groups who are mainly 75% Chinese, 7% Indian, some 15% Malaysians and other minorities. You will find English, Tamil, Chinese, Hindi spoken there. Even though many residents say they don't like the fact that it is so organized, a guy on the plane told me. He was looking for a more adventures place to stay, so he choose Bangkok.
Besides some sightseeing I attended a chicken parade held on Saturday to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Interesting was my Chinese horoscope. I was born in the year of the rooster, and according to this the upcoming year of the rat will be a lucky one for me. "Rooster will enjoy great prosperity... will experience good fortune ... it will be a hectic and stressful year as well. And finally they might just find their perfect match this year. BUT men should refrain from alcohol and womanizing. hhm ...
Labels: Reisen
Thailand - wrap up
“Bangkok is an interchange of the past, present and future, and a superb subject for any urban connoisseur.” (LP) I stayed two days in the city which is always on the move. You will see ancient temples next to splendid shopping malls and passing an air conditioned sky train between. Highways usually have 6-8 lanes and above that another 6 lanes as elevated expressway. My first impression while getting into town was that everything is pretty well thought and organized. Even though there is a lot of traffic, it follows certain rules.
I experienced the past while I was riding the express boat on the Chao Phraya River, which is not only a fast and cheap mode of public transportation it used to be the express way for centuries. While riding the boat you’ll pass all the sights of Bangkok. To name just a few: Grand Palace and the Wat Kalayanamit.
more pictures in the gallery
In Bangkok I met Vincent an old friend from the Parisian times. After dinner we went to the Bed which is definitely one of the best clubs worldwide. Check the website. From that day they banned smoking in public places across Thailand. So it felt a bit strange, everybody was walking out the club to have a puff. By the time I left Europe the smoking ban wasn’t in place. So I will have this experience back home. But in Thailand outside are 30Degress not -10 as in Germany.
After Bangkok I went to Phuket which is known for is clean, wide beaches and jade colored water. I stayed at the Karon Beach for some days with just relaxing and chilling at the beach. I enjoyed the time at the beach which gave some time to reflect as well. Beside that I rented a scooter and explored the island. I started being in love with a motor ride in the sun, but I still favor the Piaggio X9, which I drove in the streets of Paris.
more pictures here |
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ok es ist nicht "Die Zeit" aber alles besser als die indischen Schmierfinken. In Indien kann man jeden Tag neues über die Bollywood Stars lesen, sämtliche Nachbarschaftsstreits werden detailliert ausgeweidet oder politische Demonstrationen, die in Indien gerne auch einmal in Tumulten ausarten. Der Auslandsteil beschränkt sich zur Zeit auf Nikolas Sarkozy oder man zeigt eine adrette Blondine aus Australien.
Labels: Reisen
Thailand kurzes Update
Hallo zusammen, hier ein kurzes Lebenszeichen von mir. Mir gehts soweit gut, morgen früh gehts dann weiter nach Singapur und am Sonntag wieder zurück nach Bombay. Fotos gibts hier in der Gallerie
Labels: Reisen
Like everywhere in world locals sell their stuff tourist spots, in a more or less direct or aggressive way. Cause you do not need any of the items sold there, approach yu in sometimes offensive way. A normal conversation with a local dude start like this: "Hello my friend, where are you from?" I'd love to reply that I’m coming from India, which is basically not a lie. They are usually confused or a bit puzzled. Which make me and the seller laugh.
Mandatory is as well in the city of love or others may say it is the city of sin, a visit to the red light district in Bangkok. People everywhere try to get you in one of the so called massage shops or in a strip bar. One of their biggest arguments is that one beer is only 100 Bhats (2 EUR). But then of course are you forced to pay everybody a tip who approaches you, no matter if you have received a service from them or not. In that case you might spend 500 Baths for a beer instead of 100.
Speaking of love, what you see here quite often, relatively old and ugly men accompanied by young and beautiful ladies or men.
My next stations are Phuket, Kuala Lumpur and finally Singapore.
Labels: Reisen
Om Shanti Om drives German fans crazy
The Popular Hindi blockbuster 'Om Shanti Om' (OSO) was shown last night at the 58th Berlinale in presence of actor Shah Rukh Khan (SRK). I wouldn’t exaggerate if I say that the Berlinale the most famous Film Festival in Europe beside
Surprisingly no other film at the Berlinale has created such a big interest as OSO. What rarely happened before is that accredited journalists were denied permission to attend the official premiere. A lot of German fans were keen so see a glimpse of SRK.
Winter in Mumbai
Rendezvous With French Cinema

Das Wochenende setzte sich dann mit einer typischen Bollywood Disco fort. Lustig ist es schon wenn auf einmal 10 Weiße zu den aktuellen Hits von Bollywood abgehen. Dann werden sofort die indischen Handy Kameras gezückt und drauf gehalten. Aber man post ja doch gerne. Vielleicht schaffe ich es so als Star nach Bollywood?
Am Sonntag war dann die große Eröffnung der Pferde Renn Saison beim Mc. Dowell Indian Derby. Wir haben uns alle Schale geschmissen um uns unter die Hogh Society von Bombay zu mischen. Ich habe mich auch beim Wetten probiert allerdings haben mir ‚Beyond Belief’ und „Diabolical“ kein Glück gebracht. Am Ende hab ich anstatt mein Geld beim wetten zu verliren lieber in Drinks mit der Bombay High Society investiert. Für Fotos hier und hier klicken
Zur gleichen Zeit war eine Delegation aus Stuutagrt in Mumbai um deren Städtepartnerschaft mit Mumbaui zu zelebrieren. Dies klang mit einem Weinfest und einem klassischen Konzert des Stuttagrter Kammerorchester und der Philharmonie von Indien aus. Durch das relativ kalte Wetter in Mumbai fühlte sich das ganze wie eine Herbstag an. Dazu noch badische Weine der Sonntag Abend war ein Genuss.
Mittlerweile hat mein Schweizer Mitbewohner Sabi das Feld geräumt und wurde gegen eine chinesisches Mädchen Names An An Na eingetauscht. Und die Wohnung wirkt auf einmal leerer. Ich werde am Sonntag eine Woche nach Thailand fliegen, deswegen wird der nächste Post ein wenig auf sich warten lassen.
India, Germany and some thoughts
First of all the book, which was written by a foreigner, gives some interesting insights of Germanys reputation and reception in the world. Secondly it is really good for me in order to express our culture habits, history and our German thinking. I found myself in deep discussions about Germans, the country, history and culture, finding not the right phrases and words in English to express myself. How do you explain the separation and unification, the time of the Nazis, Wessis & Ossis, No Go Areas, sozialverträgliches Frühableben and all that stuff?
One thing which came up my mind is that I speak a lot of German in Mumbai. In Paris I barely spoke German. Hugh. Is that bad or simply not worth mentioning it?
I think it is not a big point. It simply indicates that I hang around more with foreigners rather than local dudes. In Paris knew 3 German speaking people, and they even weren’t German. In Mumbai I have 1 ½ Germans (one Swiss considered as Semi-German by Indians) as flat mates. I attend from time to time the German Stammtisch. And there are a load of Germans in town.
One of our German Trainees simply avoids Germans in order to fall not into the trap of establishing a second German home in India. But I think this is a way too much. It is absolutely normal, to hang around with foreigners rather than with Indians. It is simply my background and we all face the same things in India good and bad.
Conclusion is I have fun with my Indian colleagues, the dudes from AIESEC, the Trainees and my German friends, so what? ;-)
Labels: India
Chennai - Paris Reunion & Wedding
We attended the wedding and went on a day trip to